Royal Enfield Clipper 350 |
Here is picture of crankcase of Clipper 350 more later :-)
Tappets seem bit damaged need some replacement looks like |
bit pitted tappets |
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I got very good advises from friend from forum :-)
- WD40 to get old oil off. To get them really clean the dishwasher, works a treat! They do go a little dull grey but a light polish with autosol brings them up again.
- Vapour blasting is the best and will make them look brand new.
- soda blasting is also a good alternative.
- An old trick for seized engines (and I mean totally seized to the point they won't come apart) was to put them in a bucket of diesel for a week.
- The corroded steel parts would come up nicely if they were soaked in white vinegar (often sold as non-brewed condiment) bout they would need to be removed from the aluminium first.
- 50:50 mix of paraffin and ATF makes a very good penetrating oil for stuck parts.
- You can also try scrubbing the cases with isopropyl alcohol and steel wool, they shift all sorts of muck. Works on the burnt-on stuff on my oven's glass door, so it should cope with a bit of crankcase crud.
- Non intrusive and easy to remove.
- soda blasting is a good do-it-yourself technique as you just need a decent air compressor.
- You can knock up the gun yourself (loads of info on Youtube)